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Minggu, 08 April 2012

Semua orang bisa sukses

Kekuatan besar itu ada dalam diri kita, terletak pada pikiran dan perasaan. Seseorang besar karena memiliki pemikiran yang besar, dan senantiasa memiliki perasaan yang sejalan dengan kehendak Yang Maha Besar, yaitu perasaan yang senantiasa bersyukur walau sempit, senang tanpa berkeluh kesah, dan yakin kalau dirinya adalah pribadi mulia dan besar. Kitalah mahakarya Sang Maha Besar, yang diciptakan dengan bentuk sempuna.
Seseorang yang membesarkan pikirannya akan menjadi besar, dan siapa saja yang membesarkan perasaannya akan menjadi besar. Bukan kerdil dalam pemikiran, dan bukan sempit dalam berperasaan.
Pikiran dan perasaan harus sejalan. Tidak bisa terpisah antara keduanya. Pikiran boleh berapi-api, tapi jika terikat dengan perasaan ciut, maka hasilnya samadengan dikalikan nol. Begitupun sebaliknya. Berpikirlah besar dan ikat itu dengan perasaan senang dan optimis, maka alam pikiran itu akan semakin cepat terwujud.
Pikiran digunakan untuk menyerap pengetahuan. Belajarlah. Bacalah, bacalah. Jepang menjadi bangsa yang sangat cepat bangkit dari keterpurukan bencana alam dan perang dunia II (setelah Herosima dan Nagasaki di bombardir Amerika), karena semangat mereka yang besar dalam menimba ilmu pengetahuan, dan cepat sekali mereka belajar dari kawan bahkan dari musuh-musuh mereka. Mereka punya pemiimpin besar dengan pemikiran besar dan berjiwa Kstaria. (Baca Restorasi Meiji setelah Jepang dikuasia Rezim Tokugawa dan upaya-upaya Jepang bangkit Pasca Perang Dunia I dan II ).
Perasaan digunakan untuk senantiasa yakin bahwa apa yang kita pikirkan akan mewujud. Yakin, syukur, ikhlas, semuanya menyangkut perasaan. Berdoalah: ungkapkan pemikiranmu secara maupun bisikan lembut dihatimu, giatkan kerja keras dan kerja cerdasmu, kemudian serahkan semua pada Tuhan. Terkadang, kita sendiri yang tidak ikhlas dengan doa kita. Kita sendiri yang tidak mengijinkan doa kita mewujud melalui pikiran kerdil dan perasaan ragu. Perasaan juga identik dengan kebersihan hati. Hati yang senang melihat orang lain senang adalah kekuatan dahsyat. Berapa banyak orang yang kemudian terpuruk karena iri dan dengki yang dia pelihara dalam hati sehingga hidupnya hanya berkeluh kesah, fokus pada kejengkelan akan keberhasilan orang lain, sibuk menjegal tanpa dasar visi ilahiah, dan terus menyalahkan keadaan dan orang lain. Ujung-ujungnya banyak penyakit yang menggerogoti fisiknya. Sungguh golongan yang merugi.
Kita lahir sempurna. Tak ada stempel makmur dan tidak makmur di jidat kita. Yang kemudian membuat seseorang makmur atau tidak makmur, adalah kebesaran tekad untuk mau belajar. Ilmu pengetahuanlah yang kemudian membedakan apakah kita akan makmur atau tidak makmur, kaya atau miskin. Ilmu pengetahuan meninggikan derajat seseoarang. Ilmu pengetahuan menjadi bekal untuk membuat pikiran dan perasaan seseorang menjadi besar atau kerdil. Siapa yang tidak mau belajar, lambat dalam belajar, maka dia akan jauh tertinggal. Bacalah, bacalah.
Andrew Carnegie (kekayaan total 500 juta dolar), penguasa industri baja Amerika, adalah anak imigran miskin dari Skotlandia. Sejak kecil dia harus bekerja menjadi buruh kasar.
Jhon D. Rockefeler (5 Milliar Dolar), penguasa industri minyak Amerika adalah anak tukang obat keliling.
Henry Ford juga waktu mudanya miskin, tetapi dia senang sekali mengotak-atik mesin walau dengan peralatan seadanya.
Bill Gates (Microsoft, 50 Milliar Dolar) memang adalah anak orang kaya, tetapi ia membangun usahanya sendiri dan “kantor” pertamanya adalah sebuah kamar kecil di sebuah motel di Albequerque.
Konosuke Matsushita (Panasonic) waktu kecil hidup dalam kemiskinan dan harus menjadi penjaga toko sejak umur 9 tahun.
Akio Morita (Sony) adalah memang anak orang kaya yang juga membangun usahanya sendiri dari nol. Tempat usaha pertamanya cuma rumah sederhana yang jalan masuknya ditutupi tali jemuran.
Dan masih banyak lagi contoh-contoh orang sukses lain yang semula hidup miskin kemudian menjadi kaya raya, atau memulai usahanya dari nol. Nabi Muhammad Saw. yang memilih hidup sederhana adalah pedagang kaya raya.
Bahkan ratusan tahun yang lalu manusia sudah tahu bagaimana cara untuk sukses.
1. Kalau Anda belajar sedikit lebih banyak, Anda akan unggul. Belajarlah dari yang terbaik.
2. Kalau Anda bekerja lebih semangat dan kreatif, Anda akan unggul. Jadilah yang terbaik.
3. Kalau Anda belajar dan bekerja lebih semangat, Anda pasti sukses. Kunci kesuksesan adalah semangat, bukan uang.
4. Belajarlah bermimpi besar, dan buat rencana kesuksesan Anda, sekarang! Kalau belum berhasil, Refresh/Restart.

Selasa, 03 April 2012


Obtaining Power and StrengthThroughout his life the people trying to find a way to gain mental and physical strength. For the sake of this goal is reached they were using medication and science in hopes of getting the results of various drugs or mental exercises. Nevertheless, they did not manage to get a formula that can make them stay agile, vibrant, and energetic until his death.The only way that can make a person can remain strong and agile mentally and physically is faith. Devotion to God in one's heart makes nimble, alert, and strong all the time. God gave to the believers of this power because of their faith in him and the practice of the Koran, after all the desire and the spirit of the believers in gaining the pleasure of Allah give them unlimited power. Because always remember the fact that this life is short and death as well as the courts are close by, always a source of motivation and their activities. Those concerned with the spirit of faith does not allow for a sense of despair and disappointment and to give fresh energy to do good deeds one by one, day and night.In addition to physical strength, the believers also have a clear awareness and conviction. They can sense quickly the sides of a complex of events, create a solution that light can not be seen by other people, identifying the events in the most comprehensive, and draw conclusions most accurately. Even in times of tiredness too, they have a keen awareness of a spirit that is in them. They execute their duties in a way as precise and as perfect as possible and, with God's will, obtain successful results. In short, they show a steadiness and strength immeasurably in doing what they do and never sluggish. When they do not achieve immediate success, they never feel discouraged and lose their commitment, knowing that the outcome of any charity is always appropriate for people of faith.Getting Help and Support of Allah"And truly God would help those who help (religious)-his. Verily Allah is almighty, All-Mighty." (Q.s. al-Hajj: 40).In this verse Allah has promised His help to those who cling to their religion with enthusiasm. In the Qur'an, Allah gives the example of Thalut and his troops. Some members of the forces that will Thalut Goliath battle with the forces showed keloyoan and acted as if they do not have the strength to fight. Nevertheless, those who have true faith in God and serve Him with enthusiasm showed courage and said:"How many a little can beat a lot of classes with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 249).They seek refuge in Allah, then Allah help the pious servants of this with the aid of his forces and win them over Goliath, even though their numbers are few. This incident is recounted in the Qur'an as follows:"And when Thalut out with his army, he said: 'Verily Allah will test you with a river. So who among you drink the water, she is not my followers. And he drank nothing, except menceduk seceduk hand, it is the followers." Then they drink it unless some of them. And when Thalut and the believers with him had crossed the river, the people who had been drinking said: 'There is no ability for us this day against Jalut and his army.' People who believe that they would meet Allah said: 'How many a little can beat a lot of classes with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who wait. ' When Goliath and his troops have been seen by them, they pray: 'Our Lord, pour patience upon us, and our establishment kokohkanlah and help us against the infidels.' They (soldiers Thalut) defeated Goliath with the permission of Allah and (in battle) David slew Goliath, and Allah gave him (David) and the wisdom of government, (after the death of Thalut) and taught him what He wills. If God did not reject (malignancy), some people with some others, must have corrupted the earth. But God has a gift (a shed) over the worlds. "(Surat al-Baqarah: 249-51).In addition, the faith that God add many more over the faith of His servants who serve and encourage them to send peace into their hearts when they cling to religion. This makes them a sense of calm did not feel anxious over anything that would befall them. God help the people of faith to energize them, revealed in the Qur'an:"He was down tranquility into the hearts of believers grow in their faith to the side of their faith (which already exists). And belongs to God is the host of heaven and earth, and Allah is Knowing, Wise." (Q.s. al-Fath: 4)."Verily, Allah has been pleased to believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, then God knows what is in their hearts and He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with a close victory (time)." (Q.s. al-Fath: 18)."Then God sent down serenity to His Messenger and the believers, and Allah sent down armies which ye see not, and God inflicted disaster to those who disbelieve, and thus retaliation against those who disbelieve." (Q.s. at-Tawbah: 26).We are also told in the Qur'an that when the pagans made a plan to kill the Prophet., God help him to lose the peace:"If you do not help him (Muhammad), Allah has helped him (that) when the disbelievers (idolaters of Mecca) out (of Mecca) he was one of two orang1 when both were in the cave, at the time he said to his companion: 'Do not grieve, for Allah is with us.' Then God sent down serenity to His (Muhammad) and help him with troops you could not see it, and God made the call for those who disbelieve that low. And that's the high word of Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise. " (Q.s. at-Tawbah: 40).Help of God, as revealed in the Qur'an, is one of the rewards to be received by believers in this world because of their passion. Reward they get in the next, on the one hand, of course, larger.Obtain HeavenGod has given the glad tidings of paradise for those who believe and work righteousness:"And give glad tidings to those who believe and do good, provided that for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow in it. Every time they are given sustenance of fruit in the heavens, they say: 'This is never given to Our first. ' They were given a fruit similar to those in it and there are holy spouses, and they abide therein. " (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 25).God will give these pleasures to them in return for enthusiasm and effort they have shown in this life. Believers to practice this verse:"And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and for Paradise as wide as heaven and earth." (Q.s. Ali Imran: 123).They devote all their efforts to reach heaven, for God said:"And whoever is doing the good deed with readiness of mind, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing good." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 158).God's reply to deeds of virtue who worked sincerely and wholeheartedly, so the believers will be rewarded for all the charities that they did willingly, even if only for atoms. Thus, they will feel the pleasure of their Lord and they will feel pleasure to them:"He said: 'This is a day that are beneficial to the people who correct their truth. For those of heaven under which rivers flow to dwell therein for ever: Allah pleased with them and they were good pleasure of His . That is the greatest fortune. '" (Q.s. al-Mâ'idah: 119).To the right people will say:"My soul is calm. Return to your Lord with a satisfied heart blessed him again. Then go into the congregation of my servants, and enter into my paradise." (Q.s. al-Fajr: 27-30).www.harunyahya.com

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