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Senin, 21 Mei 2012


"And (also) in yourselves. Did you not notice? "
Squeeze oranges, orange juice would result. Squeeze mango, mango juice was the result. There's no way what we squeeze, the result not of what we wring. Could not be squeezed mango juice than mango right result?
What we experience in this world, in our everyday lives, good grief, happiness, anxiety, peace, poverty, prosperity, and various other life dynamics, is derived from within us, the mind is tied up with feelings. Whatever we face now is a result of our own.
If we experience are the things that upset and angry, so no need to blame outside of us. Ariflah berhikmah.
Be careful with our thoughts. Because what we think is very likely to be real. Will build a sense of perception, seep into the liver, accumulate into a system of self-confidence and the fact that nature will adjust according to the system of self-confidence.
All objects such as lights, airplanes, cars, technological achievements by scientists and others are the result of thought. All started from the mind. This is the basic instrument to be modified for someone to change. No one in this world that can change ourselves, but ourselves.
"All the flowers in the seed of tomorrow today. All results tomorrow today have in mind "(Aristotle). Plato said, "Change your thoughts, your life will undoubtedly change". Buddha also stated similar things, "what do you think today will happen tomorrow."
The mind is very dangerous. Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali always said to myself, "I am a great boxer. Whatever happens, I'm still a great boxer. " In a television interview he was asked, "why do you always say that?" He replied, "Because the sentence it gave me confidence, strengthen my will, and made me concentrate on what I want to achieve the target. If it ultimately fails, I will learn from failure, then the better practice to succeed. "Furthermore, he said," The mind is very dangerous. The mind can be the cause of failure and success can also be a supporter. The mind is a source of confidence. "
Regarding health, the mind has great influence. In energy medicine Dr. Herbert Spencer of Harvard University says that the soul and body are complementary. He said that more than 90% of the body caused by mental illness. This is called Psycho-Somatic Disease. The term comes from the word psycho means soul, and Somo which means body. That is, the soul (psycho) affect the body's THINK (SOMO). Some strengthening of the theory was added by the research in 1986 on the dialogue with the soul by the Faculty of Medicine in San Francisco. According to the results of the study, more than 75% of the body's disease originate from the dialogue with the soul. That's what the psychologists called 'Internal Theatre ". This is how people describe life in his mind, including THOUGHTS and structure in the mental. Anyway, ever watch the show together Ustadz Danu Heart Workshop in one of the private TV? Much can we know from the show about the health dangers of negative thoughts. Therefore, change of mind toward the positive, to keep the body healthy. The Prophet said, "do you pretend to be sick so it's really sick." This Hadith affirms that the mind can cause disease.
Mengeni prosperity and happiness, would apply a similar effect. Change your mind towards prosperity and happiness, and then see what happens in your life. Instill a love of goodness and above all, draw near ourselves to God, Almighty owner of all goodness. Believe in the remembrance of Him, the heart is always calm, clarity of mind is created and achievements are easy to reach. Love of God, then the negative thoughts we can jinakan. Sure? Hehe ...
During this time, we believe a lot of promise with a variety of other human beings. Why yes, really not sure with the promise of the Creator of Everything? "Hehe,,, if it's ok deh ga sure. After all, every person responsible for the 'fruit' himself. Not sure too whatever. Peace. "Hehe ...
"Verily Allah will not change the state of a people until they change the circumstances that exist in themselves (Al-Ra'du: 11).
Is that we have been given by the will of God to be able to change or choose the thoughts that we like. It will use based on knowledge and science. "The glory of man lies in his mind." (Pascal). The reflection law in the theory of mind expressed by DR. Rey Alfiqy Ibrahim, a world-class motivator in the International Best Seller book, "Therapy of Positive Thinking 'to explain that," The outside world is a reflection of the world. "" Man is not likely to produce knowledge without learning how to think. "(Confucius).
Ali Bin Abi Talib said, "He who repairing his relationship with God, he surely improve its relations with others. Anyone who watched akhiratnya affairs, Allah will pay attention to world affairs. Any person who becomes an adviser to himself, Allah will be its guardians. "
Hereafter an invisible, so pay attention. Mind out of sight, then pay attention. Ariflah understand.
"And (also) in yourselves, do you not notice? (Al-Dzariyat: 21).

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

NEGLIGENCE those whose faith is NOT REALLY

At the beginning had been declared that the faith of every person who says, "I believe" is not the same. In this section will discuss the negligence of those who do not believe it right. The lack of true commitment is a matter that causes weak faith. Before proceeding with this topic, the reasons for the existence of these differences can be explained by looking at how the Qur'an identify these people, their views on religion, and their life goals.They are Faith No ReallyIn the Qur'an, such people are also referred to as "those who are in the diseased heart", "hypocrite", "those who turn back" or "those who stay behind". Can be seen that they belong to this class as a whole are not believers and those of ignorance, as stated in the following verses:"People were not from your group and not (also) from them." (Q.s. al-Mujadalah: 14)."They are in a quandary between the way (faith or disbelieve): do not go to this group (of believers) and not (also) to the group's (unbelievers)." (Q.s. an-Nisa ': 143).However, keep in mind that such people are generally living in the midst of the Muslims. Appearance, lifestyle, and some of them resemble the behavior of believers. But, in fact, these people are not really like them because of the special characteristics of the believers is their sincerity in worshiping God, while these people do not have a strong faith in their hearts. Though they expressed faith, they are not true believers. Concerning this Allah says the following:"Among mankind is he who says: 'We believe in Allah and the Hereafter, when they were not really believers. They think to beguile Allah and the believers, but they only deceive themselves and they do not realize." (Q.s. al-Baqara: 8-9).What they reveal very different from what is hidden in their hearts, this is because the "disease" that is in their hearts. This fact is also revealed in the Qur'an:"In their hearts is a disease, illness and plus God, and for them a painful punishment, because they lie." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 10).Here means not a physical disease, but a spiritual nature. In the hearts of people who have this disease as it can not correctly understand the religion and practice it in life. Even if he saw signs of God's existence in a brightly lit, he could not subdue his heart to Him, and not observing the limits of his. He was not able to live with the religion of Allah in full as though his conscience has led him to the truth, he was too weak to practice what is expressed by the tongue. Compared with the pleasures of Paradise, he considers that the worldly benefits is easier to obtain. Thus, he was so attached to this world and the hereafter can not appreciate the value it properly.They existence in the Midst Faithful PeopleIs certainly an interesting thing to note, that those in whose heart there is disease prefer to live together with people of faith, even if they do not have the same ideals. One of the reasons why they are so happy is because these people want to make profits of religion and peace and environmental security of the believers. They feel more comfortable in the midst of the believers who show the noble character, and prefer to live in the midst of this society that can not be met on public ignorance. While a little faith in their hearts, they are not disbelieve entirely, though they can not fully integrate into the society of ignorance or to the Islamic community. Doubt in their heart of this dilemma. They found that life in this world more interesting, but they also want to get the gifts which God has promised to believers in this world and in the hereafter. Although they do not have genuine faith, have such thoughts, "Is this true?" and "What about the promises it really real?" cause they hope that in addition to the worldly pleasures, they can also reap the benefits of the graces and gifts that achieved by the believers.They hope that the believers will sincerely carry out the tasks ordered by religion, while they themselves can take advantage of it mundane. However, if there are difficulties and problems they do not want to join together with believers. In the Qur'an, the behavior of people like that at the time of Prophet Muhammad. described as follows:"And indeed there are those among you who is slack (the battlefield). So if a misfortune befalls you he says: 'Behold, the Lord has conferred a favor to me because I was not present with them. And if you get the gift of ( victory) of Allah, surely as if he said there was never any love between you and him: 'Suppose, I would have with them, of course I got a big win (again)'. " (Q.s. an-Nisa ': 72-3)."(They are) those who wait (event) will happen to you (O believers). So if it happens to you victory from Allah they say: 'Are not we (fought) with you?' And if those who disbelieve may be successful (winning) they say: 'Are we not also win you and defend you from the believers?' Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection and Allah will never give way to those who disbelieve to exterminate the believers. " (Q.s. an-Nisa ': 141).These people want to profit from the benefits gained by those who believe, sometimes they are trying to attract attention and convince people of faith about their commitment to the religion. However, because the believers have witnessed indifference and keloyoan which has seemed openly, so they did not manage to influence it.Hypocrites have corrupted minds, so they are trying to do tricks even among themselves, and think that they can share in the rewards received by those who believe in the next life. In the Qur'an, their real position is described:"On the day when the hypocrites men and women say to the believers:" Wait for us so we can take some of your light. ' It was said (unto them): 'Come ye to seek their own belakang1 and light (for you).' Then held between them a wall that has a door. Next to it there is mercy, and on the outside than there was tortured. People call them hypocrites (the believers) and say: 'Were we not with you? " They replied: 'Yes, but you harm yourself and wait (to our ruin), and you hesitate, and deceived by empty wishful thinking that the ordinance of God came, and have been cheated on by God (Satan) is very imposter. So on this day no ransom be accepted from you nor from those who disbelieve. Your place is hell. He is berlindungmu place. And he was so mean, nasty place again. "(Surat al-Hadid: 12-5).Such people should realize that if they do not have a sincere faith in their hearts, their lives in the midst of the believers there is no point in the presence of God. Because God has bestowed conscience, wisdom, and ability to weigh the man, he would ask each person individually and give reward or punish accordingly. Deeds done by one person outright, to gain His good pleasure, will get a reward from Him. Only the states of obedience is not enough, because a person's behavior must be compatible with what he said. Thus, people who neglect their own self-deceived into thinking that just by living in the midst of people of faith will help them on the Day of Judgment. Consequences in the Hereafter will be borne by the charity for the sake of his own desires rather than to seek pleasure of Allah, stated in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.: "Anyone who wants to hear (good virtues) - God will make (real intention) be heard; and whoso shows (virtuous deeds) - God will show it. " (H.r. Bukhari Muslim).Those omissions in his heart There's Disease"And of mankind there are those who worship God by being on the edge; then if he acquired virtue, he remains in that state, and if he is replaced by a disaster, turn it back. Lost it in the world and the Hereafter. That It is a real loss. " (Q.s. al-Hajj: 11).This verse reveals the type of "spirit" shown by those who do not cling to religion. They seem so eager for his personal interests are not affected. Nevertheless, in the event of a conflict of interest, the passion and excitement they will disappear. Because they are not sure of the certainty, such a situation would make them revisit dituntunkan obligations in Islam. They forget that God created this world as a test, that God will test people through a variety of forms, both of which seem good or bad, and that only those who committed and that alone will get the reward. Existing disease in their hearts to make them feel hesitant for any help of God. Rather than entrust their fate to God, they instead fell into the valley of despair and start thinking about bad things against God. Thus, the disease is hidden in their hearts had become visible to the surface. In the Qur'an, Allah describes how they lost the spirit of a sudden when facing trials and begin to doubt God's promise:"And (remember) when the hypocrites and those who are diseased in his heart saying: 'Allah and His Messenger promised us it no guile.'" (Q.s. al-Ahzab: 12).This attitude of course, because of deficiencies in their faith. Such people can not understand that what they are dealing with really is designed to test them. Those whose hearts are diseased in contrast to the believers who with sincere attitude when facing such tests. People of faith become more enthusiastic and at peace with their belief in God depend, whatever will happen to them, and know that Allah's help is always near.Those who Stay BehindThe people who show a tendency to have hypocritical thinking is completely different with the believers as well as very distant from the Koran. Because of their flawed beliefs, thoughts are not based on how to reach the good pleasure of God, but solely in order to satisfy their own desires and personal benefit. For this reason they consider that engages itself in the Islamic deeds is a vain thing. Because of their belief in the afterlife rather vague, they argue that the deeds are done for the afterlife does not bring sufficient benefits as the reward of all their work and fatigue. As such, they have a mind that is more profitable to devote their time to obtain worldly benefits immediately rather than providing benefits to Islam. Fearing fooled, they would rather restrained in the back to take an attitude of "moderate", as stated in the Qur'an:"And indeed there are those among you who is slack (the battlefield)." (Q.s. an-Nisa ': 72).In short, they are not passionate about anything that does not provide benefits to their real world.When faced with a situation that requires the efforts for the sake of the needy, the oppressed or those who believe, they retreated to the back. Always ask elderly, they are trying to make it very difficult. Because they do not live by faith, they lack motivation and energy to solve problems or accomplish a good job. They showed reluctance, either by withdrawing abruptly and leave the believers in trouble with work or apathetic.Nevertheless, if the negligent person is given an offer to occupy a prestigious position at a company with a high salary and then he also promised that will also be a shareholder, so he showed outstanding performance, his attitude will be very different. No doubt, to weigh the benefits of that position, he will show great zeal in his work and quickly settlements can provide a satisfactory issue. There is a striking difference between the reluctance of these people when it is expected to work for the sake of Islam, and the passion they show when their interests are at stake. Because they prefer the worldly benefits compared to the pleasure of Allah is what causes their behavior changes such.Living in the Rear Not Profitable Yet A StupidityOf course, the reluctance of those in whose heart there is this disease lies in revealing how much of their lives. Can not strive for the pleasure of Allah is a disadvantage, because any effort expended in the way of Allah will bring the greatest benefit may be achieved. Each charity is done by someone with a sincere will to bring the pleasure of Allah. God promises to give the best to his servants to please him, either when still in this world and in the hereafter. A devout Muslim who is not excited because he expects a reply that soon in this world. Knowing that God is pleased with the charity is doing enough for him. Allah, the owner of justice, compassion, mercy and majesty of the eternal, always ready to give credit for deeds done in His path, and said that any charity, even if only for mustard seed or the atom, it will not be wasted :"Verily, Allah does not persecute someone even for small ant, and if there is a virtue of small ant, Allah will fold gandakannya and gives from Himself a great reward." (Q.s. an-Nisa ': 40)."People who do good in this world gets (retaliation) is good. And verily the Hereafter is better village and that's the best of places for those who fear Allah." (Q.s. an-Nahl: 30)."(Luqman) said: 'My son, if indeed there is (a deed) weight of mustard seed, and are in stone or in heaven or in earth, Allah will bring it (it forth). Allah is Subtle, Aware." (Q.s. Luqman: 16).It was a very unwise thing to be reluctant in doing good works for the more serious one charity, the greater the reward he received both in this world and in the hereafter. Similarly, the more it fails, the loss itself precisely.www.harunyahya.com

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Semua orang bisa sukses

Kekuatan besar itu ada dalam diri kita, terletak pada pikiran dan perasaan. Seseorang besar karena memiliki pemikiran yang besar, dan senantiasa memiliki perasaan yang sejalan dengan kehendak Yang Maha Besar, yaitu perasaan yang senantiasa bersyukur walau sempit, senang tanpa berkeluh kesah, dan yakin kalau dirinya adalah pribadi mulia dan besar. Kitalah mahakarya Sang Maha Besar, yang diciptakan dengan bentuk sempuna.
Seseorang yang membesarkan pikirannya akan menjadi besar, dan siapa saja yang membesarkan perasaannya akan menjadi besar. Bukan kerdil dalam pemikiran, dan bukan sempit dalam berperasaan.
Pikiran dan perasaan harus sejalan. Tidak bisa terpisah antara keduanya. Pikiran boleh berapi-api, tapi jika terikat dengan perasaan ciut, maka hasilnya samadengan dikalikan nol. Begitupun sebaliknya. Berpikirlah besar dan ikat itu dengan perasaan senang dan optimis, maka alam pikiran itu akan semakin cepat terwujud.
Pikiran digunakan untuk menyerap pengetahuan. Belajarlah. Bacalah, bacalah. Jepang menjadi bangsa yang sangat cepat bangkit dari keterpurukan bencana alam dan perang dunia II (setelah Herosima dan Nagasaki di bombardir Amerika), karena semangat mereka yang besar dalam menimba ilmu pengetahuan, dan cepat sekali mereka belajar dari kawan bahkan dari musuh-musuh mereka. Mereka punya pemiimpin besar dengan pemikiran besar dan berjiwa Kstaria. (Baca Restorasi Meiji setelah Jepang dikuasia Rezim Tokugawa dan upaya-upaya Jepang bangkit Pasca Perang Dunia I dan II ).
Perasaan digunakan untuk senantiasa yakin bahwa apa yang kita pikirkan akan mewujud. Yakin, syukur, ikhlas, semuanya menyangkut perasaan. Berdoalah: ungkapkan pemikiranmu secara maupun bisikan lembut dihatimu, giatkan kerja keras dan kerja cerdasmu, kemudian serahkan semua pada Tuhan. Terkadang, kita sendiri yang tidak ikhlas dengan doa kita. Kita sendiri yang tidak mengijinkan doa kita mewujud melalui pikiran kerdil dan perasaan ragu. Perasaan juga identik dengan kebersihan hati. Hati yang senang melihat orang lain senang adalah kekuatan dahsyat. Berapa banyak orang yang kemudian terpuruk karena iri dan dengki yang dia pelihara dalam hati sehingga hidupnya hanya berkeluh kesah, fokus pada kejengkelan akan keberhasilan orang lain, sibuk menjegal tanpa dasar visi ilahiah, dan terus menyalahkan keadaan dan orang lain. Ujung-ujungnya banyak penyakit yang menggerogoti fisiknya. Sungguh golongan yang merugi.
Kita lahir sempurna. Tak ada stempel makmur dan tidak makmur di jidat kita. Yang kemudian membuat seseorang makmur atau tidak makmur, adalah kebesaran tekad untuk mau belajar. Ilmu pengetahuanlah yang kemudian membedakan apakah kita akan makmur atau tidak makmur, kaya atau miskin. Ilmu pengetahuan meninggikan derajat seseoarang. Ilmu pengetahuan menjadi bekal untuk membuat pikiran dan perasaan seseorang menjadi besar atau kerdil. Siapa yang tidak mau belajar, lambat dalam belajar, maka dia akan jauh tertinggal. Bacalah, bacalah.
Andrew Carnegie (kekayaan total 500 juta dolar), penguasa industri baja Amerika, adalah anak imigran miskin dari Skotlandia. Sejak kecil dia harus bekerja menjadi buruh kasar.
Jhon D. Rockefeler (5 Milliar Dolar), penguasa industri minyak Amerika adalah anak tukang obat keliling.
Henry Ford juga waktu mudanya miskin, tetapi dia senang sekali mengotak-atik mesin walau dengan peralatan seadanya.
Bill Gates (Microsoft, 50 Milliar Dolar) memang adalah anak orang kaya, tetapi ia membangun usahanya sendiri dan “kantor” pertamanya adalah sebuah kamar kecil di sebuah motel di Albequerque.
Konosuke Matsushita (Panasonic) waktu kecil hidup dalam kemiskinan dan harus menjadi penjaga toko sejak umur 9 tahun.
Akio Morita (Sony) adalah memang anak orang kaya yang juga membangun usahanya sendiri dari nol. Tempat usaha pertamanya cuma rumah sederhana yang jalan masuknya ditutupi tali jemuran.
Dan masih banyak lagi contoh-contoh orang sukses lain yang semula hidup miskin kemudian menjadi kaya raya, atau memulai usahanya dari nol. Nabi Muhammad Saw. yang memilih hidup sederhana adalah pedagang kaya raya.
Bahkan ratusan tahun yang lalu manusia sudah tahu bagaimana cara untuk sukses.
1. Kalau Anda belajar sedikit lebih banyak, Anda akan unggul. Belajarlah dari yang terbaik.
2. Kalau Anda bekerja lebih semangat dan kreatif, Anda akan unggul. Jadilah yang terbaik.
3. Kalau Anda belajar dan bekerja lebih semangat, Anda pasti sukses. Kunci kesuksesan adalah semangat, bukan uang.
4. Belajarlah bermimpi besar, dan buat rencana kesuksesan Anda, sekarang! Kalau belum berhasil, Refresh/Restart.

Selasa, 03 April 2012


Obtaining Power and StrengthThroughout his life the people trying to find a way to gain mental and physical strength. For the sake of this goal is reached they were using medication and science in hopes of getting the results of various drugs or mental exercises. Nevertheless, they did not manage to get a formula that can make them stay agile, vibrant, and energetic until his death.The only way that can make a person can remain strong and agile mentally and physically is faith. Devotion to God in one's heart makes nimble, alert, and strong all the time. God gave to the believers of this power because of their faith in him and the practice of the Koran, after all the desire and the spirit of the believers in gaining the pleasure of Allah give them unlimited power. Because always remember the fact that this life is short and death as well as the courts are close by, always a source of motivation and their activities. Those concerned with the spirit of faith does not allow for a sense of despair and disappointment and to give fresh energy to do good deeds one by one, day and night.In addition to physical strength, the believers also have a clear awareness and conviction. They can sense quickly the sides of a complex of events, create a solution that light can not be seen by other people, identifying the events in the most comprehensive, and draw conclusions most accurately. Even in times of tiredness too, they have a keen awareness of a spirit that is in them. They execute their duties in a way as precise and as perfect as possible and, with God's will, obtain successful results. In short, they show a steadiness and strength immeasurably in doing what they do and never sluggish. When they do not achieve immediate success, they never feel discouraged and lose their commitment, knowing that the outcome of any charity is always appropriate for people of faith.Getting Help and Support of Allah"And truly God would help those who help (religious)-his. Verily Allah is almighty, All-Mighty." (Q.s. al-Hajj: 40).In this verse Allah has promised His help to those who cling to their religion with enthusiasm. In the Qur'an, Allah gives the example of Thalut and his troops. Some members of the forces that will Thalut Goliath battle with the forces showed keloyoan and acted as if they do not have the strength to fight. Nevertheless, those who have true faith in God and serve Him with enthusiasm showed courage and said:"How many a little can beat a lot of classes with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 249).They seek refuge in Allah, then Allah help the pious servants of this with the aid of his forces and win them over Goliath, even though their numbers are few. This incident is recounted in the Qur'an as follows:"And when Thalut out with his army, he said: 'Verily Allah will test you with a river. So who among you drink the water, she is not my followers. And he drank nothing, except menceduk seceduk hand, it is the followers." Then they drink it unless some of them. And when Thalut and the believers with him had crossed the river, the people who had been drinking said: 'There is no ability for us this day against Jalut and his army.' People who believe that they would meet Allah said: 'How many a little can beat a lot of classes with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who wait. ' When Goliath and his troops have been seen by them, they pray: 'Our Lord, pour patience upon us, and our establishment kokohkanlah and help us against the infidels.' They (soldiers Thalut) defeated Goliath with the permission of Allah and (in battle) David slew Goliath, and Allah gave him (David) and the wisdom of government, (after the death of Thalut) and taught him what He wills. If God did not reject (malignancy), some people with some others, must have corrupted the earth. But God has a gift (a shed) over the worlds. "(Surat al-Baqarah: 249-51).In addition, the faith that God add many more over the faith of His servants who serve and encourage them to send peace into their hearts when they cling to religion. This makes them a sense of calm did not feel anxious over anything that would befall them. God help the people of faith to energize them, revealed in the Qur'an:"He was down tranquility into the hearts of believers grow in their faith to the side of their faith (which already exists). And belongs to God is the host of heaven and earth, and Allah is Knowing, Wise." (Q.s. al-Fath: 4)."Verily, Allah has been pleased to believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, then God knows what is in their hearts and He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with a close victory (time)." (Q.s. al-Fath: 18)."Then God sent down serenity to His Messenger and the believers, and Allah sent down armies which ye see not, and God inflicted disaster to those who disbelieve, and thus retaliation against those who disbelieve." (Q.s. at-Tawbah: 26).We are also told in the Qur'an that when the pagans made a plan to kill the Prophet., God help him to lose the peace:"If you do not help him (Muhammad), Allah has helped him (that) when the disbelievers (idolaters of Mecca) out (of Mecca) he was one of two orang1 when both were in the cave, at the time he said to his companion: 'Do not grieve, for Allah is with us.' Then God sent down serenity to His (Muhammad) and help him with troops you could not see it, and God made the call for those who disbelieve that low. And that's the high word of Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise. " (Q.s. at-Tawbah: 40).Help of God, as revealed in the Qur'an, is one of the rewards to be received by believers in this world because of their passion. Reward they get in the next, on the one hand, of course, larger.Obtain HeavenGod has given the glad tidings of paradise for those who believe and work righteousness:"And give glad tidings to those who believe and do good, provided that for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow in it. Every time they are given sustenance of fruit in the heavens, they say: 'This is never given to Our first. ' They were given a fruit similar to those in it and there are holy spouses, and they abide therein. " (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 25).God will give these pleasures to them in return for enthusiasm and effort they have shown in this life. Believers to practice this verse:"And ye haste to the forgiveness of your Lord and for Paradise as wide as heaven and earth." (Q.s. Ali Imran: 123).They devote all their efforts to reach heaven, for God said:"And whoever is doing the good deed with readiness of mind, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing good." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 158).God's reply to deeds of virtue who worked sincerely and wholeheartedly, so the believers will be rewarded for all the charities that they did willingly, even if only for atoms. Thus, they will feel the pleasure of their Lord and they will feel pleasure to them:"He said: 'This is a day that are beneficial to the people who correct their truth. For those of heaven under which rivers flow to dwell therein for ever: Allah pleased with them and they were good pleasure of His . That is the greatest fortune. '" (Q.s. al-Mâ'idah: 119).To the right people will say:"My soul is calm. Return to your Lord with a satisfied heart blessed him again. Then go into the congregation of my servants, and enter into my paradise." (Q.s. al-Fajr: 27-30).www.harunyahya.com

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012


“Dan (juga) pada diri kalian. Apakah kalian tidak memperhatikan?”
Peraslah jeruk, hasilnya pasti sari jeruk. Peraslah mangga, pun hasilnya sari mangga. Tak mungkin apa yang kita peras, hasilnya bukan dari apa yang kita peras. Tak mungkin peras mangga hasilnya sari selain mangga kan?
Apa yang kita alami di dunia ini, dalam kehidupan kita sehari-sehari, baik kesedihan, kebahagiaan, gelisah, ketenangan, kemiskinan, kemakmuran, dan beragam dinamika hidup lainya, adalah berasal dari dalam diri kita, yaitu pikiran yang diikat dengan perasaan. Apapun yang kita hadapi sekarang adalah hasil dari diri kita sendiri.
Jika yang kita alami adalah hal-hal yang membuat kesal dan marah, maka tak perlu menyalahkan diluar dari kita. Ariflah berhikmah.
Hati-hati dengan pikiran kita. Karena apa yang kita pikirkan sangat mungkin menjadi nyata. Akal akan membangun persepsi, meresap ke hati, terakumulasi menjadi sistem kepercayaan diri dan alam akan menyesuaikan kenyataan yang sesuai dengan sistem kepercayaan diri tersebut.
Semua benda seperti lampu, pesawat, mobil, pencapaian-pencapaian tekhnologi oleh para ilmuan dan lain-lain adalah hasil dari pemikiran. Semua berawal dari pikiran. Inilah instrumen dasar yang harus diubah seseorang untuk berubah. Tiada seseorang di dunia ini yang bisa merubah diri kita, selain diri kita sendiri.
“Semua bunga esok hari ada dalam benih hari ini. Semua hasil esok hari ada dalam pikiran hari ini” (Aristoteles). Plato berkata, “Ubah pikiran Anda, niscaya kehidupan Anda berubah”. Budha pun menyatakan hal senada, “apa yang anda pikirkan hari ini, akan terjadi esok hari.”
Pikiran sangat berbahaya. Petinju legendaris Muhammad Ali selalu berkata dalam hati, “Aku petinju hebat. Apapun yang terjadi, aku tetap petinju hebat”. Dalam wawancara di televisi dia ditanya, “mengapa Anda selalu berkata demikian?” Dia menjawab, “Karena kalimat itu memberiku rasa percaya diri, menguatkan keinginanku, dan membuatku konsentrasi pada target yang ingin aku capai. Jika akhirnya gagal, aku akan belajar dari kegagalan, kemudian berlatih lebih baik lagi hingga berhasil.” Lebih lanjut dia berkata, “Pikiran sangat berbahaya. Pikiran bisa menjadi penyebab kegagalan dan bisa pula menjadi pendukung keberhasilan. Pikiran adalah sumber percaya diri.”
Mengenai kesehatan, pikiran punya pengaruh besar. Dalam energy medicine Dr. Herbert Spencer dari Universitas Harvard mengatakan bahwa jiwa dan tubuh saling melengkapi. Dia mengatakan bahwa lebih dari 90 % penyakit tubuh disebabkan oleh jiwa. Inilah yang disebut dengan Psycho-Somatic Disease. Istilah ini berasal dari kata psycho yang berarti jiwa, dan somo yang berarti tubuh. Maksudnya, jiwa (psycho) BERPIKIR memengaruhi tubuh (somo). Beberapa penguatan teori ini ditambahkan oleh penelitian pada 1986 tentang dialog dengan jiwa oleh Fakultas Kedokteran di San Fransisco. Menurut hasil penelitian itu, lebih dari 75 % penyakit tubuh berasal dari dialog dengan jiwa. Itulah yang oleh ahli jiwa disebut “Sandiwara Internal”. Inilah cara orang menggambarkan kehidupan dalam benaknya, termasuk PIKIRAN-PIKIRAN dan susunannya dalam mental. Oya, pernah nonton acara Bengkel Hati bersama Ustadz Danu di salah satu TV Swasta? Banyak yang bisa kita tahu dari acara itu tentang bahaya pikiran negatif bagi kesehatan. Maka dari itu, ubahlah pikiran ke arah positif, agar tubuh tetap sehat. Rasulullah bersabda, “janganlah kalian berpura-pura sakit sehingga benar-benar jatuh sakit.” Hadis ini menegaskan bahwa pikiran bisa menimbulkan penyakit.
Mengeni kemakmuran dan kebahagiaan, tentu berlaku efek serupa. Ubahlah pikiran ke arah kemakmuran dan kebahagiaan, kemudian lihat apa yang terjadi dalam hidupmu. Tanamkan kecintaan pada kebaikan dan yang utama, dekatkanlah diri kita pada Allah, Maha pemilik segala kebaikan. Yakinilah dengan mengingat-Nya, hati senantiasa tenang, kejernihan pikiran tercipta dan prestasi mudah diraih. Cintai Allah, maka pikiran-pikiran negatif bisa kita jinakan. Yakin? Hehe…
Selama ini, kita banyak percaya dengan beragam janji sesama manusia. Kenapa ya, kok kurang yakin dengan janji Sang Maha Pencipta Segalanya? “Hehe,,, it’s ok deh kalau ga yakin. Toh, setiap pribadi bertanggungjawab atas ‘buah’ dirinya sendiri. Tak yakin juga terserah deh. Peace.” Hehe…
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum hingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri (Al-Ra’du: 11).
Adalah kita telah diberikan kehendak oleh Allah untuk bisa mengubah atau memilih pikiran yang kita sukai. Gunakanlah kehendak itu berlandaskan pengetahuan dan ilmu. “Kemuliaan manusia terletak pada pikirannya.” (Pascal). Hukum Pantulan dalam teori pikiran yang dilontarkan DR. Ibrahim Rey Alfiqy, seorang motivator kelas dunia dalam buku International Best Seller, ‘Terapi Berpikir Positif’ menjelaskan bahwa, “Dunia luar adalah pantulan dunia dalam.” “Manusia tidak mungkin menghasilkan pengetahuan tanpa belajar cara berpikir.” (Confucius).
Ali Bin Abi Thalib berkata, “Barang siapa memperbaiki hubungannya dengan Allah, niscaya dia memperbaiki hubungannya dengan orang lain. Barang siapa memerhatikan urusan akhiratnya, Allah akan memerhatikan urusan dunianya. Barang siapa menjadi penasehat bagi dirinya sendiri, Allah akan menjadi penjaganya.
Akhirat tak terlihat, maka perhatikanlah. Pikiran tak terlihat, maka perhatikanlah. Ariflah memahami.
Dan (juga) pada diri kalian, apakah kalian tidak memperhatikan? (al-Dzariyat: 21).

Arti sebuah Waktu

Alkisah ada seorang wanita yang hidup di sebuah desa terpencil, dia ingin pergi kerja ke kota agar dia bisa mengoprasi wajahnya. Kemudian dia mengutarakan keinginannya untuk kerja di kota kepada kedua orang tuanya, tapi keinginannya tersebut di tolak oleh kedua orang tuanya. Mendengar kata kedua orang tuanya yang menolak keinginannya dia pun menangis, tapi tak berapa lama kemudian ibunya datang menghampiri dia. Dan tiba-tiba ibunya bilang “Kamu boleh pergi ke kota nak”.
Mendengar perkataan ibunya dia pun tersenyum. Dan pagi harinya dia bersiap-siap untuk pergi ke kota. Di tengah perjalanan yang lama dan melelahkan dia istirahat di sebuah rumah, dan dia pun membayangkan, ” andai ku bisa membangun rumah mewah dan dapat mengoprasi wajah ku yang biasa menjadi luar biasa ini.” Tiba-tiba di tengah-tengah lamunannya datang seorang nenek tua menghampirinya, dan bertanya “kenapa nak kamu tersenyum sendiri?”
“Saya sedang membayangkan andaikan saja ku bisa sukses di kota dan dapat mengoprasi wajahku ini”, kata dia. Dan nenek itu mengeluarkan jam kecil dari kantongnya, kemudian nenek itu berkata “Kamu tinggal putar jam itu sesuai dengan putaran jarum jam, bila kamu ingin segera meraih cita-citamu”.
“Baik nek”, kata wanita tadi.
Kemudian tak berapa lama dia memutar jam tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang dikatakan nenek tadi. Dan tiba-tiba dia bisa bekerja di sebuah perusahaan ternama di Jakarta. Tapi dia tak puas dengan lamanya waktu yang di perlukan agar bisa mengoprasi wajahnya.
Kemudian dia kembali memutar jam tersebut, dan wajahnya pun menjadi cantik. Lagi-lagi dia kurang puas dengan wajahnya, dan kembali dia memutar jam kecil pemberian nenek-nenek yang pernah dia temui sekali lagi. Tapi setelah memutar jamnya dia mendapati wajahnya yang semula cantik jelita menjadi tua dan keriput. Dan dia menyesal dengan keadaan dia sekarang. Kemudian dia kembali menemui nenek-nenek yang memberi dia jam di tempat di mana dia bertemu. Tapi dia tak melihat nenek tersebut karena nenek itu telah lama meninggal. Dia pun hanya bisa menyesal dan menangisi nasibnya.
Teman-teman ku apa pesan yang dapat kita ambil dari kejadian wanita tadi?
  1. Jadilah diri sendiri karena hanya dengan menjadi diri sendiri kita akan menjadi pribadi yang hidup dengan penuh rasa bahagia, damai, dan mulia.
  2. Raihlah cita-cita dengan penuh pengorbanan, kegigihan, dan kedisiplinan waktu untuk belajar.
  3. Kesuksesan bukan datang dari nasib dan keberuntungan, tapi datang dari kerja keras, ketidak putus asaan dan keyakinan.

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